About - Khivraj Sain
Brief About


It’s a journey of a man who has several responsibilities but also has a strong sense of self and a more moral approach to his profession.
His journey began as a middle-class individual working for various telecom companies. However, he had a passion for digital marketing and took on side projects to further skills.

" Brief About


It’s a journey of a man who has several responsibilities but also has a strong sense of self and a more moral approach to his profession.
His journey began as a middle-class individual working for various telecom companies. However, he had a passion for digital marketing and took on side projects to further skills.


Risk Taker



Story Of His Life

It is the journey of a man who has many responsibilities but also has a strong sense of self-belief and a more moral approach to his profession. His journey began as a middle-class individual working for various telecom companies. Striving to learn and grow wherever he can. However, he had a different passion for marketing and its various tactics, so he took on side projects to further his skills.

When asked what advice he can give to a 20-year-old self or anyone else,
he said: I Continue to learn and take chances.

That’s been his motto since his teenage years. He had made his fair share of mistakes and errors but eventually grew and learned, just because he’d always believed in learning . He believes that life is a continuous journey of learning, and that’s why he’s always eager to dive headfirst into new challenges and take calculated risks. His journey began with a burning desire to make a difference in marketing and business approaches, and since then, it hasn’t stopped.

His journey as a middle-class hustling from 9 to 5 to building 3 different businesses wasn’t as easy as it sound, it was a series of twists, turns, and detours. And every venture has taught me valuable life lessons. All of this has shaped him, his personality and helped to grow both professionally and personally. Additionally, he consistently tries to embrace the unknown. He doesn’t have any idea about the next moment or even about 5 years, and doesn’t know what his future holds, what he knows is what will be my next step. He firmly believes that one should keep uncovering the opportunities that one gets, you never know where it’ll lead you too.

Life is a series of events, and having a middle-class life is a life lesson in itself. So just like any other middle class person, who always wanted to bring some change in the society through his work is always something he had dreamt of. Dream of starting something of his own that not only fills the gap in society but also helps thousands of other individuals. And despite facing challenges and failures he stood everytime and decided to pursue the dream at quite a very young age and started his first self-owned business “YUVMEDIA”. Feb 2020 , is the month when he started his dream venture Yuvmedia, in a small room and since then he hasn’t looked back. And not only this with the support of his team, he now has worked with 300+ clients and has three different ventures growing successfully altogether. All this has been a rollercoaster ride that shaped who he is now at the moment.

In February 2020 , the world plunged into the uncertainty of a pandemic and disrupted the business landscape, leaving his entrepreneurship journey in the middle. And it was that time-where he made a bold decision and started working for my business in a single room, all alone. And with a heart full of resilience he started ‘Yuvmedia’ and now after years of successfully serving clients, he started 3 new different ventures that are shaping society to a very new level.

As a businessman and a coach, his mission is to help to uncover your potential, your business growth and shape the marketing to a different level. But it isn’t as rosy as it looks.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)